Orders are dispatched from our warehouse within 1-3 business days after placing the order.
Your order will be delivered to you via your local postal services.
Standard Delivery - $8.95 | Free for orders above $50
Express Delivery - $19.95 | Get it within 2-5 business days from dispatch
Shipping time
Depending on where you live, shipping usually takes:
- Europe:4-9 days
- USA & Canada:7-15 days.
- Rest of the World:10-21 days
Please note that these are approximate delivery times. We kindly ask you to give up to 10 days on top of the regular delivery time before getting in touch with our customer support team.
Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email with a tracking number and a link to track your parcel. Please note that it might take from 1 to 3 business days for tracking to start showing information. Once the package gets taken from us, it travels to the DE-Frankfurt logistics center, where it gets scanned and starts updating tracking status, and it is not unusual for a shipment to go more than 24 hours without an update while in transit.
You can track your parcel on Track Your Order page by entering the order number and email address.
Have issues with your delivery?
If you have any questions regarding the shipping and delivery of your order, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to assist you.